Elective Caesarean Package
Everyone’s journey is different. We can work together and plan to create a gentle, family centred caesarean. I will support you to prepare. There is so much you can do to create the atmosphere you want, support baby’s microbiome, feeding and beyond. Over 4 sessions, also making a postnatal plan including recovery.
I will be there with you at the hospital, at the caesarean itself if you want me to be there (it is usually only 1 birth partner allowed in theatre and recovery) or I will be there waiting for you all when you come out of recovery.
We will then do 6 postnatal sessions (or 10-12 hours) to support those early days/weeks and recovery.

“Thank you so much for everything Lisa. And thank you so much for our last great session as always, we are so grateful to have your help”
— C.M, ongoing client feedback, I am so grateful for them!